Cholesterol Facts

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 Cholesterol Facts 


Cholesterol Facts


 With all the news and warnings about the dangers of high cholesterol, many people see cholesterol as a bad substance that needs to be completely eliminated from our lives. In fact, cholesterol performs a number of important functions in the body. To understand how cholesterol affects the body, you must first understand what cholesterol is. 


 Cholesterol is a waxy substance that attaches to fats in our bloodstream and is present in every cell in the body. Cholesterol comes from the food we eat and is made directly by the liver. Cholesterol is an important regulator in the bloodstream and helps regulate the formation of many cells and hormones. However,  too high or too low blood cholesterol levels can be very dangerous and often lead to a heart attack or stroke. Although cholesterol is predominant in the bloodstream, it cannot be dissipated in the blood. Cholesterol moves throughout the body and is bound to lipids (fats)


 There are two main types of cholesterol. The first type is known as LDL cholesterol and the other as HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein, is considered dangerous cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can build up on the walls of the arteries. Over time, this plaque buildup blocks blood flow, reducing blood flow and causing stress and damage to the heart. This increases blood pressure and eventually leads to heart disease or a heart attack. People with higher LDL 

 levels have a much higher risk of heart disease. Although LDL is influenced by genetics, there are several precautions people can take to maintain safe LDL levels. 


 The other form of cholesterol is HDL or high-density lipoprotein. HDL is considered good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is important to the body because this type of cholesterol helps filter  LDL cholesterol from the lining of arteries and transports circulating fat  (triglycerides) to the liver for elimination from the body. Even high HDL levels are considered safe because they can help protect the heart from a heart attack or stroke. Low levels of HDL 

 can lead to heart attack and stroke, but this is rare in people following a Western diet, which is typically high in both forms of cholesterol.

Most of the cholesterol in our body comes from the food we eat. High-fat foods, especially saturated and trans fats, contribute to high  LDL cholesterol levels. Meat and dairy are the top sources of LDL cholesterol, while leafy greens, fruits, and nuts are more nutritious alternatives that have higher levels of HDL cholesterol. Although genetics play a role in cholesterol levels, changing your diet is the most effective way to lower dangerous cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease and related health problems. 


Most of the cholesterol in our body comes from the food we eat

 Certain natural substances found in Vasacor, including plant sterols, fish oils, and policosanol, have been shown in numerous clinical studies to be extremely effective in promoting healthy cholesterol levels, particularly when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. If you're concerned about your cholesterol levels, now is the time to make a change and Vasacor can help.
